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Transformation through Creation with Annabelle Terry + Bridget Himes

Join us for six days and seven nights of creative study and liberation in the heart of the jungle. Nested between two rivers, we’ll be immersed in an inspirational womb; a birthplace of creativity, connection and contemplation. Our efforts are to awaken innate artistic ability and release limiting beliefs around what it means to create, and what it means to be creation itself.

Embracing ART in new and unusual ways by



To be Heard

To be Seen

To be Felt

To be Tasted

To be Imagined

To be Fragrant

To be Colorful

To be Here

To be Alive

Embracing the elements of music, colors, shapes, textures and words hidden throughout our humanity transforms the artistic process into a portal for presence. This is a spontaneous journey where we invite even the loudest voices in our head to take a seat for a while. Let them enjoy the company of the river and conversations with the trees. We’ll hold space for the whispering voices, and those that demand to be heard, in a judgment free environment. Arriving as we are, we can cultivate a love for what is rather than being stuck in what was, or distracted by what is to be.

We’ll visit the uncommon and unusual colors and shapes of our own being, examining them as they show up playfully through paint, pen, movement, words, and the abundant creative outlets provided by Nature herself. When we learn to see the world, and ourselves with an artist’s eye, everything becomes a exquisite tool for expression, and there is nothing that cannot be communicated.

Retreat program:

- Morning meditation, pranayama and asana with emphasis on practice as a creative portal

- Connecting to nature through river + waterfall ritual, earth walks, scavenging and fire ritual

- Ecstatic dance + cacao ceremonies

- Ancestral session using art to remedy familial blockages

- Daily semi-guided creative sessions using various mediums

- Three nourishing meals a day from Gaia Gourmet

- Body adornment session with paint and petals

Daily Flow

AM :

- Meditation, pranayama + asana

- Delicious breakfast + time for absorption


- Nature sessions + scavenging

- Art creation + interpretation

- Delectable lunch + time for absorption

PM :

- Ritual, dance, or ceremony

- Grounding dinner

Your Guides:

Annabelle was born and raised in Boise, ID, where she began practicing asana to treat somatic stress symptoms. After experiencing dramatic improvements, she continued on to train with Boise Om School to receive her 200H credentials at the age of 18. She relocated to South Florida where she studied Psychology, Sociology & Exercise Science, and later graduated with a BA. Annabelle first connected with Lakshmi Rising when she completed her 300H training with Liz, and continued on to apprentice with the school. Today, Annabelle is passionately curious about the intersection between yogic teachings and western psychophysical research. Her teachings fuse ancient yogic wisdom and practices with modern understandings of neuroscience, physiology, psychology and evolution; coupling remedies for suffering with insight into why, and how, humans actually suffer. In addition to teaching with Lakshmi Rising, Annabelle facilitates intensive and empowering retreats through her company, Pranic Path Yoga.

Bridget is an artist, yogi and alchemist who is currently the sous chef for Gaia Gourmet where she creates delicious and nourishing plant-based cuisine for yoga retreats in Costa Rica and Europe. She is a natural and caring teacher who holds magical sacred and safe space for growth and liberation.